Season One Episode Nine - Beneath The Banner

SFX: ominous, curious music plays. Quiet background chatter and footsteps.

LANTRIS: Faithful Inquisitors. You are blessed to walk with us here, in the ancient halls of the Aegis of Invia. These constructs, and the deadly field that surrounds them, marks the border between your native Inner Worlds, and the greater empire beyond. And there are few greater privileges than to serve in this place. Give thanks to the Divine Illuminator, and stand to your duties.

INQUISITORS: Praise be to Advar.

SFX: several pairs of footsteps walk away, muttering fades. A single pair of light footsteps approaches.

ARVANNIS: Do you ever wonder if you would have suspected, had the truth not been shown to you? The peculiarities are all so clear now. A minefield, dividing our own Empire. Built by whom? And when? To protect the Inner Worlds, but from what exactly? You bring them here and yet they never ask these questions.

SFX: footsteps.

LANTRIS: They are faithful. They do not seek their own answers. The greater truth is provided for them, and they find contentment in that.

ARVANNIS: A comfortable ignorance. But it was never truly the purpose of this place to keep anything outside from getting in.

LANTRIS: It will serve that purpose just as well, and it may have to. The outsiders continue to linger somewhere near this place. They will reveal themselves before long. They watch this place because of the device. The structure your ships recovered in their battle with the outsiders. Why has it not been destroyed? You have said many times that all evidence of the outsiders must be eradicated. Even the smallest detail could threaten the Harmony.

ARVANNIS: There is a far more immediate threat to the Harmony. One I would never have found had I not studied this object. The outsiders did not use this device to reach the Sanctum, but it would seem it is necessary for their return.

SFX: fabric rustles

LANTRIS: What is your meaning?

ARVANNIS: I believe another device like this must already exist, back in whatever realm these outsiders came from. Destroying this one may prevent them from returning, but it would not prevent more from coming to the Sanctum in the future. 

SFX: footsteps

ARVANNIS: If ever they came in greater numbers… We can never be certain how far we are from the threshold.

LANTRIS: Then… there is only one way we can be sure the Harmony is maintained.

ARVANNIS: Yes. It would seem so.

SFX: Intro music starts - “Wilderness” by Taylor Davis.

NARRATOR: The Sojourn, Season One Episode Nine: Beneath The Banner by Larissa Thompson. Starring Larissa Thompson as Captain Cassandra Farren, Emily Serdahl as Director Elizabeth Ancelet, Laura Faye Smith as Tamara Melari, and Ben Prendergast as Mathias Croft. Also featuring Lelia Symington as Empress Valendra the Sixth, Tim Parker as Lord Cardinal Hastus Arvannis, Marta Da Silva as High Cleric Darsellia Lantris, Amy Kay as Cindra Tacira, and Sara Burd as Captain Taida Jadina. With Special Guest Stars Jimmy Lockett as Vice Admiral Winston Redfield and Martin Roach as Captain Omar Maalsuwda.

SFX: Theme music continues.

- Scene Change -

SFX: cards being dealt.

CROFT: Ooof bad luck, five bits to me, that's Pentad.

SFX: chair creaks.

MEDS: Wait, what?

CROFT: I did tell you to stop playing the same hand.

MEDS: You're just making these rules up as you go, aren't you?

CROFT: [gasps] How dare you! This is an ancient Merician tradition!

SFX: Meds sighs in disgust. Fabric rustles, a hydraulic chair turns. 

CROFT: Hey skip, wanna go a round?

SFX: cards are shuffled rapidly.

CASS: Oh no, never again. I know better than to think I can beat you.

CROFT: Wise words from a wise woman.

SFX: cards shuffling and being dealt. A short turn from the hydraulic chair.

CROFT: Something wrong with your tea, skip?

SFX: liquid sloshes.

CASS: Nah sorry. Just a little nervous about leaving the Avalon. Can't help but worry the Advari might have been able to track us somehow after we rescued the Mericians and the Gatehauler.

MEDS: Well, put it this way. It’s been weeks. They'd almost certainly have blown us all up by now.

CASS: Yeah, you're right. Somehow doesn't make it any easier though.

SFX: rapid beeping starts. Exciting music plays. 

MEDS: Proximity alert. Unknown object at two-zero mark one-three, range forty-eight hundred meters. Whatever it is, it's about two meters across and it's coming right at us, CBDR.

CASS: Croft, braking burn, now!

CROFT: Got it. Strap in.

SFX: seatbelts buckle. A warning blares. Distant engines fire, metal rattles gently.

MEDS: We have too much inertia, we're still heading straight towards it.

CASS: Bring up the swivels, stand by point defense.

SFX: beeps

CROFT: Get ready for some fancy flying.

SFX: insistent, rapid beeping

MEDS: Effective range in 4, 3, 2...

SFX: distant rocket noises, followed by a muffled explosion. A confirmation beep.

MEDS: Scratch one. Target destroyed.

CROFT: That wasn't me.

SFX: trilling

MEDS: New contact, close range.

CASS: They must have been running quiet.

MEDS: Resolving. 

SFX: beeping. A crunchy engine passes.

MEDS: It's an Outrider. Indria Class.

CROFT: Unioners.

SFX: a comm rings.

MEDS: She's hailing us.

CASS: Open a channel.

SFX: the comm connects.

JADINA (over comms): Unidentified ship, stop now. You enter active minefield. I repeat, stop now.

MEDS: What??

CASS: Croft, all stop.

CROFT: Aye, skip. All stop.

SFX: vectors burst. Telemetry noises.

MEDS: The hell are they doing laying mines all the way out here?

CROFT: I don't know Meds, I've never seen a mine like that back in Tantalus. I'm thinking this might be the locals.

JADINA (over comms): Pinarte-kānduno, chaxa shūro mi-kinmeisaka en ja-ūnan tara sadeju. Unknown vessel. Identify now or I fire.

SFX: radio cord is pulled.

CASS: Captain Cassandra Farren, …Expedition Defense Adjutant. Please identify yourself.

SFX: static.

JADINA (over comms): Captain Taida Jadina, Union ship Seraphina.

SFX: beeping, confirmation beep.

MEDS: They're on the expedition register.

CASS: Good to see you, Seraphina. Mind telling us what you're doing out here?

JADINA (over comms): Patrol. We lead you around minefield to meet Fleet Leader.

CASS: Thank you, we appreciate the assistance. Croft, match their course and speed.

CROFT: Yeah, I don't fancy stumbling into another one of those mines.

MEDS: Might not be the mines we need to worry about…

SFX: engine noises fade out. Slightly tense yet melancholy music swells, then fades out.

- Scene Change - 

SFX: engine rumbles. Music resumes, tenser now. A comm calls and is accepted.

JADINA (over comms): Approaching. You keep trajectory until told. Will not ask again.

SFX: telemetry sounds. Rapid beeping.

CASS: Whoa, look at that.

MEDS: Lot of transponders. Looks like most of the Union fleet survived the transit after all.

CROFT: That's not a fleet, that's a holdfast. Improvised space station. Looks like there's seven ships there, all docked together! Hell of a ballsy move.

MEDS: But why set up a holdfast on the edge of a minefield? Why wouldn't they search for the Avalon?

CROFT: I bunked on one of these things for a while. Back with some rum runners out of Nocturne. They're pretty handy when you need to hunker down and ration resources for longer. Having everyone docked together like that means you can move all the air and water around easier. Also good if you really need a fortification and all you've got to build one with is your own ships. You mostly see pirates doing it out in the wild, but us Mericians have been doing this kinda thing forever.

SFX: a beep.

CASS: That section in the centre looks different from the rest. What is that?

SFX: hydraulic chair turns.

CROFT: Whoa whoa whoa. That's one of our gate components!

MEDS: What?

CASS: Shit, you're right.

SFX: thumping on a padded arm chair. 

CROFT: Three down, one to go!

MEDS: Hmm.

SFX: incoming comm ring. Comm accepted.

HOLDFAST TC (over comms): Kilo-Delta Two-Seven Oh-Niner, please secure channel.

SFX: beeping

CASS: Confirm secure.

HOLDFAST TC (over comms): Please hold for Actual.

SFX: more beeping, a comm connects. 

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Guinevere. This is Captain Omar Maalsuwda, representative of this station. It's good to see a friendly face out here for a change.

CASS: Good to see you too, Captain. We've come from the Avalon, the platform is safe with other survivors about eight days north-north-west of here. We'd be happy to guide your ships back.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Thank you but that won't be necessary, Captain. We're currently conducting a military operation.

SFX: a chair creaks.

CASS: What sort of military operation?

MAALSUWDA (over comms): I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to discuss that, even over a secure line. My forces won't be joining the Avalon just yet, but believe me, I'm relieved to hear the platform survived.

CASS: I understand. But if I may, it looks like you've got a lot of people here and this is clearly a dangerous area.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): We've been gathering significant intelligence on this alien minefield for months. This is a tactically advantageous position right now. I can't afford to dismantle the holdfast or abandon this staging ground until we've completed our work here.

CASS: With respect, you might not be aware of exactly what you're up against here. Either way, it's necessary for the Expedition Director to be involved and up to speed. We'll lay in a course back to transmission range and Director Ancelet can be escorted out here to discuss the situation in person.

SFX: static.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): I see no harm in that.

CASS: Alright, I'll send you our most up-to-date logs so you can get caught up in the meantime. We'll be underway momentarily.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Maimatēpi, guinefir.

SFX: comm closes.

MEDS: "Tactically advantageous position". What a load of horseshit. The Advari are right there! If they stay here they'll only get themselves killed and we'll lose another component.

CASS: Maybe, but I think this calls for a more diplomatic approach. Croft, take us back to the closest conduit, let's get a message probe to the Avalon.

CROFT: Sounds good, Skip, on it.

- Scene Change - 

SFX: Music swells, then fades ominously. Something hums down. 

MEDS: There's more tea.

CASS: Ah, my hero.

SFX: rattling as a mug is grabbed.

CASS: You seem broodier than usual.

SFX: Meds scoffs.

CASS: Alright.

SFX: a beep and liquid is poured.

MEDS: It's just... It doesn't feel right leaving with that gate component still sitting there. We won't be back for four days. How do we know they won't hide it or relocate the entire holdfast before then? So long as they have that, they've got all the leverage they could want.

SFX: fabric rustles.

CASS: Trust has to start somewhere, and he's done nothing to prove that we can't trust him.

MEDS: He's done nothing to prove that we can.

CASS: Meds, I don't know what to tell you that I haven't a hundred times already. I know why you don't trust them. But ultimately, we're all just trying to survive out here, and the only way we're doing that is by working together. I'm sure he sees it the same way.

MEDS: Wish I could believe that.

CASS: I'm sure you do. I'm going back to the bridge if you need me.

SFX: footsteps. Meds sighs. 

- Scene Change - 

SFX: loud rumbling and metal squealing. Atmospheric hissing, beeping, then a buzz. A door rumbles open. 

CASS: Permission to come aboard.


CROFT: Damn, this brings back memories.

MEDS: Yeah.

CASS: Captain Omar Maalsuwda, Director Elizabeth Ancelet.

ELIZABETH: Captain Maalsuwda, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm looking forward to--

SFX: door rumbles closed, several sets footsteps move. 

MAALSUWDA: Director, I was not informed that you would be bringing a flotilla of ships with you. I thought it was quite clear that we are in a concealed position here. The presence of these vessels, particularly that Gatehauler, will seriously compromise our chances of remaining undetected.

ELIZABETH: All the more reason for us to move quickly. The Gatehauler will begin preparations to move the Component back through the Lauralyn Conduits as soon as possible, while the Siochana, Belladonna and their crews will assist you with dismantling the station. I'm sorry. I know it isn't what you want, but we have a rather unique source of information on this alien species back at the Avalon, and we've confirmed you're on the edge of a heavily militarized and fortified area. Your people are in serious danger, you need to evacuate.

CASS: It's a miracle the Advari haven't found this place already. Whatever you're doing out here can't be worth the risk.

SFX: a door rumbles open.


ELIZABETH: Excuse me?

SFX: footsteps, then the door closes. Atmospheric hissing.

MAALSUWDA: The gate component we are holding here. It's not the only one we've located. We found another. And it's inside that minefield being held by these 'Advari'.

CASS: The one Redfield lost.

MAALSUWDA: If I have understood your logs correctly, that is the final component we need to build our return gate. Since the CDF was evidently not up to the task of protecting it, we have drafted a plan to get it back.

MEDS: Good luck with that.

MAALSUWDA: I won't begin dismantling the station until we're ready to engage the enemy.

ELIZABETH: Okay, this obviously an important discovery. But now that we've made contact with one another the situation has changed. We need to decide how to act on this together, and you're vulnerable out here in the meantime. If you come back to the Avalon with us, we can work--

MAALSUWDA: We've been observing the enemy's patrol routes for months, we were in no danger.

CASS: At least allow us to move the gate component you already have back to the Avalon and out of harm's way. As long as it's still out here, it's at risk.

MAALSUWDA: To be frank, after how you've conducted yourselves here, I don't trust you. I'm keeping my leverage. You can either contribute your forces to assist in retrieving the captured component, or return to your hiding place while we retrieve it for you.

SFX: Footsteps, then a set running to catch up. 

ELIZABETH: Okay, I think we're getting off on the wrong foot here. We thought you might need some engineering and medical supplies, so with your permission we'll start unloading them. Our crews are available to assist with any repairs you might need as well. We can circle back to this discussion… later.

SFX: footsteps stop.

MAALSUWDA: Very well. My crew chiefs are through there, they can provide you with more information.

CASS: Meds, Croft, go with them and see if you can help out.

MEDS: Yeah.

CROFT: You got it, Skip.

SFX: a door rumbles open, background chatter. 

MAALSUWDA: If nothing else. I appreciate the assistance, Director.

ELIZABETH: Not a problem.

- Scene Change - 

SFX: music swells. A door rumbles open. Voices fade in.

UNION ENGINEER: …tābomachane ara-semar. Jawunu sashisea mi-budzu ro-gendjem mi-kerku.

MAALSUWDA: What's the risk?

UNION ENGINEER: Eh… Mi-inwandenira-ter ara-makei… bu-tābomachane jaginu xabonikemi.

MAALSUWDA: [sighs] Do it. We'll take the chance with the turbopump.

SFX: bootsteps approach. 

MEDS: Captain Maalsuwda.

SFX: a door starts to rumble closed, but is stopped with a buzzer. Footsteps stop.

MAALSUWDA: Melari, was it? Is there anything else you need?

MEDS: I've just come back from the Winchell Chung. You can't slap a white cross on some old hauler and call it a hospital ship. Those people are suffering and they need proper facilities.

SFX: fabric rustles.

MAALSUWDA: That's all we have. What do you need to keep them stable for now?

MEDS: A miracle.

MAALSUWDA: Well I'm fresh out of those.

SFX: the door rumbles closed, only to be stopped with a buzz again. 

MEDS: Then pull your ships out of here. While you still can.

SFX: Maalsuwda sighs heavily.

MAALSUWDA: Komusār. Do you drink Komusār?

MEDS: I- What?

MAALSUWDA: Komusār. It's a type of brandy, from Teldrin.

MEDS: No, I know what it is.

MAALSUWDA: Good! Come in.

SFX: bootsteps. 

MAALSUWDA: Please, sit, sit. My husbands hate this stuff, so I never get the chance to share it.

SFX: Maalsuwda sighs and chuckles quietly. Rattling and clattering as a bottle and two glasses are grabbed from cupboards. Glasses are placed on the table and two shots are poured. 

MAALSUWDA: My crew and I were prepared to deal with any consequences of staying here if it meant we could get that component. It was not a decision I came to lightly.

MEDS: Oh, I'm glad to hear that you thought long and hard before throwing your people's lives away for no reason.

SFX: a drink and a swallow, followed by a quiet shudder.

MAALSUWDA: It would hardly have been for no reason. The alien activity around the component has been quiet for months, but we've seen an increase in activity lately. Everyone on this station agreed that retrieving the gate component is the highest priority.

MEDS: So that's it then? You're just going to charge in there and get all these people killed?

SFX: another shot is poured.

MAALSUWDA: You misunderstand. The situation has changed. We are no longer safe in our current position, thanks to the Director. I'll be issuing the dismantle order shortly.

MEDS: What?

MAALSUWDA: The Director and your captain were right, it's only a matter of time now before we're discovered, and we can't risk exposing the Avalon.

MEDS: This was never about the Avalon, this is about you.

MAALSUWDA: Please, drink.

SFX: fabric rustles. Maalsuwda chuckles.

MAALSUWDA: You remind me of a younger version of myself.

MEDS: We're nothing alike.

MAALSUWDA: Of course not! You're no dashing, spritely rapscallion like myself! But when I was younger, I was tough, galvanized by the rallies of Kaito Hakim. Oh, I was a glorious hero of the revolution, determined to shake free the yoke of Centran tyranny! 

SFX: Maalsuwda chuckles. A chair creaks.

Well… Back during the Tandil Rush, we were mopping up on Seravis after victory, making sure the Centrans were um... "out of the way." Our unit was trudging through the jungle, real hellhole. Noxious fumes, carnivorous plants, wild stringwolves carrying off anyone who so much as sneezed. Anyway, we stumbled across a section of CDF Marines and started shooting at each other. It didn't take long for that to attract some unwanted attention from the wildlife, and both sides found themselves the unfortunate lunches of stringwolves. Our troop sergeant negotiated a ceasefire so both sides could fend off our mutual attackers. I was so enraged. I mean, she was a traitor, obviously, and I was the only one who could bring our unit back on mission! I pulled a gun on her, and was promptly restrained by my compatriots, who clearly thought that I was an idiot. Both forces repositioned so they could defend from all sides and eventually I was released to help. I ended up shoulder to shoulder with a Centran kid, Hawthorne was his name. My age. We ended up competing over how many stringwolves we killed. I won. And after it was over, we all went home alive and Sergeant Jinn got demoted for 'fraternizing with the enemy'. I guess our commanders were just as 'patriotic' as I was.

MEDS: Jinn? You mean Captain Jinn, from the Abigail?

MAALSUWDA: Tamika? She made it through? Ho, (ja’)annin-tēpi sashisea! She owes me a drink.

SFX: he chuckles. A chair creaks slowly.

MEDS: She survived the transit, but... she died saving the Avalon. I...

SFX: gentle music.


MEDS: She...

SFX: music continues.

MAALSUWDA: Thank you. For telling me. 

SFX: a glass is picked up.


SFX: a second glass is picked up. Glasses clink. They drink. The music swells and fades.

- Scene Change - 

SFX: a door whooshes open. 

CASS: Everything alright?

MEDS: Yeah, I just...

SFX: gentle chirping.

MEDS: Oh shit.

CASS: What?

MEDS: Long range scans show several unknown contacts just appeared, headed our direction. A lot of ‘em.

CASS: How far out?

SFX: beeping.

MEDS: About three hours.

CASS: Elizabeth, Croft, I need you up here. See if you can get an ID.

MEDS: On it.

SFX: telemetry noises. The door whooshes open. A quiet alarm sounds. 

CROFT: Where's the fire?

MEDS: Confirmed match for the Advari flier profile.

ELIZABETH: What? Patch me through to Maalsuwda.

SFX: a comm rings, then connects.

MEDS: You're on.

ELIZABETH: Captain Maalsuwda, the jig is up. There are Advari fliers inbound to our position, three hours out.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Ika. I thought we'd have more time. The component is loaded onto the Gatehauler, but the holdfast still has to be dismantled. I can spare the Hotstepper to escort the Gatehauler back to the Avalon immediately.

ELIZABETH: Thank you, Captain.

CASS: Croft, Meds, do what you can to assist with the dismantling.

CROFT: You got it.

SFX: footsteps and a door whooshing open.

CASS: Elizabeth, I'll arrange a skiff to take you to the Gatehauler for the evacuation.

ELIZABETH: What? No. I'm staying here.

SFX: the door whooshes closed. 

CASS: We're not doing this again. You need to be back with the fleet. I need you back with the fleet.

ELIZABETH: Ugh. Fine. But don't say I don't do nothing for you.

SFX: the door whooshes open. 

- Scene Change -

SFX: atmospheric hissing. Muffled metalic scraping, then a muffled metalic twang and a crash. 

CROFT (over comms): Hey Meds, can I get you to hold this?

MEDS (over comms): Sure.

CASS (over comms): Croft, Meds. The Gatehauler and the other civilian ships from Avalon just made it to the Lauralyn Conduit. Maalsuwda thinks we'll need another hour to finish dismantling the holdfast.

SFX: muffled bootsteps.

CROFT (over comms): And the Advari are about an hour out, yeah?

CASS (over comms): Just over. It's a lot closer than I'd like, but I think we'll make it. Keep me posted.

CROFT (over comms): You got it, Skip.

SFX: the call ends and a muffled blowtorch and grinder can be heard. 

MEDS (over comms): Hey Croft?

SFX: tools stop.

CROFT (over comms): Yeah?

MEDS (over comms): What do you think of Unioners?

CROFT (over comms): Uh... uh, well. I met some of them that I liked and some I didn't. Hard to have one opinion about a whole nation, I think.

SFX: Meds grunts. muffled nail gun and power drill sounds.

CROFT (over comms): Something on your mind?

SFX: hissing.

MEDS (over comms): I don't know. Just been... thinking a lot. Guess I'm… starting to get homesick.

CROFT (over comms): Yeah.

SFX: a music swell starts, then fades quickly. 

- Scene Change - 

SFX: a door whooshes open. 

MEDS: How long until they get here?

SFX: a comm rings. Seatbelts buckle.

CASS: About ten minutes.

CROFT: Cutting it close.

SFX: the comm connects.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Captain Farren. The Winchell Chung's turbopump has cracked and needs to be sealed. She's completely immobile. She has all our critically wounded on board. It doesn't look like she'll be repaired before they get here, we'll need to buy her time so she can escape. I'll take command aboard the Rodrigo and form up with Tserekai, Sutedo, and Seraphina to defend. Jamake will stay in the rear to escort the Winchell Chung out of here as soon as she's mobile.

CASS: We'll get underway and join you.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): I appreciate that. Form up and wait for my signal.

CASS: Fair winds, Captain.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Fair winds.

CASS: Holdfast TC, Guinevere. Request emergency clamp release.

HOLDFAST TC (over comms): Confirmed, Guinevere.

SFX: muffled whirring and clunking. 

CROFT: Clamps released, pushing off.

SFX: vectors firing, a warning klaxon sounds. The engine warms up 

CASS: Alright then. Clear for action.

SFX: A ping, then everything fades out. 

- Scene Change - 

SFX: fingers tap out a random rhythm. 

MEDS: Cut it out.

CROFT: I'm sorry, that's a lot of fighters.

CASS: Both of you, take a breath. Focus up.

SFX: rapid beeping. 

MEDS: Fliers are almost in range. I count twenty-nine.

CASS: Croft, prepare for evasive maneuvers.

CROFT: Roger.

SFX: a klaxon sounds. Exciting music begins to build. An engine burns. Rapid beeping starts, distant whooshing. 

MEDS: Holy shit! They just accelerated all the way through our missile envelope! 

CASS: What?

MEDS: How do they move that quickly?

SFX: a comm connects. Distant railgun fire can be heard. 

JADINA (over comms): Sutedo. Ātsa ara-tēr sha mi-dzem! You out of position, tighten forma--!

SFX: a distant explosion. Static burst.

CROFT: Oh my God...

MEDS: The Sutedo is lost. Rodrigo is moving closer. We're in range.

CROFT: And here we go.

SFX: the Guin’s weapons fire. Insistent beeping. Rumbling and firing. Alien sounding short energy bursts whiz by. 

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Rodrigo to all defending ships, open fire!

CASS: Weapons free!

CROFT: On it.

SFX: autoguns fire rapidly.

CROFT: They're too quick, I only got two.

SFX: swirling and firing

CASS: Rodrigo is advancing, keep us on their wing, we need to keep the fight away from the hospital ship.

CROFT: Roger that.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): All ships, concentrate fire, we can't let them break our line.

JADINA (over comms): This is Seraphina. Are surrounded! Cut off from main group. Need help.

SFX: more railgun fire.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): We're on our way! Whiplash, cover us, we're breaking formation.

CASS: Belay that Rodrigo, Guinevere is closer. Keep the line steady. Croft, get us to the Seraphina.

CROFT: Everybody hang on.

SFX: engine fires. Music swells. More fire.

JADINA (over comms): I see you Guinevere. We under heavy attack. Cannot reach you.

CASS: How many swarm missiles do we have?

CROFT: Three.

CASS: Load two.

CASS: Seraphina, turn to heading one four zero mark zero eight. We're going to give you a window.

SFX: beeping and a steady tone.

CROFT: Ready.

CASS: Fire!

SFX: torpedos fire and explode in several bursts. Energy fire flies past them. A positive beep.

MEDS: Six targets destroyed.

CASS: Now, Seraphina. Full burn.

SFX: a distant engine rumbles.

JADINA (over comms): We are clear, returning to formation. Thank you Guinevere.

SFX: warning alarm. 

MEDS: More bandits, starboard bow.

SFX: swivel guns fire. A warning alarm chirps.

CROFT: We're running hot skip. Heatsinks can't handle much more.

CASS: Shut down the port swivel, keep drawing their fire.

SFX: more alarms. An energy blast hits and metal crunches and groans. The engine begins to hum down. Croft groans with effort. A negative beep.

MEDS: We've lost power to the port dorsal vector engine! Looks like they shot clean through the electronics.

CROFT: Great, I needed the extra challenge.

MEDS: I'll go down there.

SFX: distant gunfire, a buckle is rattled. A negative beep. 

CROFT: What are you crazy? I'm pulling high gee's here. If I slow down, they're gonna turn the Guin into a colander.

CASS: Can you still fly?

CROFT: Oh, she'll fly alright. Just don't distract me.

MEDS: Some fliers broke through the line, headed toward the Winchell Chung!

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Is anyone close enough to get back there?

CASS: Negative, unable. Tserekai, can you–

SFX: an engine rumbles close. 

JAMAKE CAPTAIN (over comms): Jamake here, we defend!

SFX: distant firing, muffled explosions. Static as a comm opens, distorted. 

JAMAKE CAPTAIN (over comms): --ara-riakutōr sha nashā. setapei’a buami-winchēr, rata roninkin-deika seīrosea buko-kuza’o. Amar-Karā!

SFX: music intensifies, then another big muffled explosion. A beep.

MEDS: We've lost Jamake, but the Winchell Chung is clear for now.

WHIPLASH CAPTAIN (over comms): This is Whiplash. Railguns overheated! Repositioning.

CASS: Croft, spin down the starboard dorsal vector. We'll be at half power but at least we can fly in a straight line.

CROFT: Alright, on it.

SFX: beeping. Powering down. 

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Winchell Chung reports their turbopump is sealed and they are underway to the conduit.

CROFT: Finally, some good news!

SFX: distant rumbling. An alarm sounds. 

MEDS: A second wave of fliers is approaching. Count is thirty-two. The eleven fliers remaining from the first wave are falling back to regroup.

CROFT: Ugh, spoke too soon.

SFX: the music backs off, Cass’ theme plays.

CASS: We can't hold off that many with five wounded ships.

SFX: a beep. 

MEDS: The fliers have fallen out of weapons range. If we make a full burn now, we'll make it to the conduit before they do.

CROFT: Those little buggers from the first wave should have run out of delta-v by now. They're too small to carry that much fuel.

CASS: We don't know if they even use fuel. Maalsuwda, the fliers are still hot on our tail and I don't think they're going to stop. We can't lead them to the Avalon.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): I know. We could send a couple of ships to lead them on a false heading, but I don’t think that--

JADINA (over comms): I will do it.

WHIPLASH CAPTAIN (over comms): Us too.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Thank you.

MEDS: Wait.

MAALSUWDA (over comms): Guinevere, you, Tserekai, and I will escort the last ship to the conduit while the Seraphina and Whiplash lead the fliers on a false heading.

MEDS: We have time to get out. There's got to be another--

JADINA (over comms): We won't let them follow. Keep Avalon safe. Wipurashu, chakata ja’an-hoi bu-fā-neor-ko-na'in-aisho. Pinzor-hudjīron.

WHIPLASH CAPTAIN (over comms): Amar-Karah.

SFX: engines fire. A warping alien sound. 

CROFT: Winchell Chung just entered the conduit, we're almost there. Seraphina and Whiplash are ten seconds from contact.

SFX: battle chatter and gunfire fades into an eerie soundscape. The music swells sadly.

CROFT (muffled): Entering the conduit in 3... 2... 1.

SFX: the Guinevere rockets through the conduit. The music fades out. 

- Scene Change - 

SFX: quiet cutlery rattling and drinking. 

CASS: Thanks for cooking, Croft.

CROFT: No sweat. You want me to keep that warm for you, Meds?

MEDS: Huh? Oh, yeah thanks.

SFX: a cupboard door is opened and closed. 

CROFT: Well, that’s four hours since we cleared the conduit and all quiet, so it doesn't look like any of them followed us. I'm gonna grab some shut-eye. Buzz me if something happens?

SFX: footsteps recede. 

MEDS: Cass, I just-

SFX: music slowly builds.

CASS: I’m here.

MEDS: Why did they do that? I don’t-- Some part of me keeps trying to find the ulterior motive. They did it for the Union, or to protect their own people, or just because they were told to and they were too stupid to think for themselves, but…

CASS: They did it for us. To keep the Avalon safe. So that we can feed everyone back in Tantalus. Not the Union. Everyone.

SFX: music builds more. 

MEDS: Then why do I still hate them? Captain Jinn, and Jadina, and all the others. They were good people. I’m alive because of them, and… I still hate them. I don’t want to Cass. They don’t deserve it. But… I can’t stop.

SFX: fabric rusltes.

CASS: I think… we can become addicted to hate. I guess it’s a way to cope, when we’ve been hurt or betrayed. And then we stay angry, because it’s comfortable. Until eventually it doesn't even matter what you really think anymore. It’s become something you need. Something you breathe.

MEDS: I don’t know how to stop it. How do I stop it?

SFX: fabric rustles.

CASS: I don’t know. But you will. You’re a doctor. And in spite of everything that’s happened to you, you’re still the most compassionate person I know. After the Acrisius… I wouldn’t have lasted another year without you. We both know that. When we get out of here. If it’s what you want, we can go to Maiala’s Rest. I can go with you.

SFX: the music fades.

MEDS: I’d like that.

SFX: fabric rustles, then fades out. 

- Scene Change - 

SFX: distant whooshing as the Avalon’s rings spin. 

MAALSUWDA: I only have three functioning combat ships, the Rodrigo, Hotstepper, and Tserekai, and all three need repairs. But I think we can have them combat ready within a few days.

REDFIELD: I'm sure we can manage.

ELIZABETH: There's no need to rush. I'm sure your crews would appreciate a couple weeks' shore leave on the Avalon.

SFX: a chair creaks.

MAALSUWDA: We don't have a couple weeks. We need to retrieve the last gate component now, while we still know where it is. It would have been better if you hadn't interfered too early, but here we are. The longer we wait, the more likely it is that the Advari will have moved it, and then who knows how long it will be before we can track it down again. That is, if they don't destroy it outright.

CASS: This system has proven to be a safe location. We've harvested a huge amount of food from the Greenhouse, and there are still ships from the expedition unaccounted for.

REDFIELD: Frankly it's a miracle these Unioners survived as long as they did. We must assume everyone else from the Expedition is long dead. Right now we have an effective fighting force and an opportunity to act. Provided the intelligence the Unioners gathered is accurate.

SFX: chair creaking.

MAALSUWDA: It's accurate.

REDFIELD: Perhaps. However, the longer we wait, the more inaccurate that data becomes. We must strike now and take back what they have stolen from us.

MAALSUWDA: You mean "stolen from you".

SFX: fabric straining.

REDFIELD: That component was lost the moment the Advari engaged my ships. Staying behind to try and stop them escaping with it would have been pointlessly throwing away my ship and crew. And without us here to protect the Avalon, the Guinevere would not have had the operational freedom to find your holdfast and save you from your own idiocy!

ELIZABETH: Stop this. There will be plenty of time later to figure out who has the biggest flagpole.

CASS: All the food we've harvested here won't count for anything unless we can create a supply line from the Greenhouse back to Tantalus.

REDFIELD: After recovering the lost component and assembling the return gate, we can send for reinforcements to defend the Greenhouse and the supply line. Because before long, the Advari will find us.

ELIZABETH: Defending ourselves is one thing, but deliberately attacking them will only provoke them.

REDFIELD: They are already provoked, Director. The prisoner told us as much. And though I do have several recommendations, I will concede that Captain Maalsuwda's original strategy is sound.

MAALSUWDA: …Thank you.

CASS: What do you want to do, Elizabeth?

SFX: clothing rustles. A cigarette lighter is lit. A deep breath, and the lighter clicks closed. Music fades in.

ELIZABETH: The last few years in Tantalus... humanity has just been running out the clock, watching the food run out and waiting to die. This expedition was supposed to be us taking action, working the problem. Even if the Advari never find us in this system, by staying here we'd only be doing the same thing. Waiting to die. We owe it to them to take action while we can. We'll fight.

SFX: music fades out. 

- Scene Change -

SFX: mysterious music fades in. Water pours gently into a basin. 

CINDRA: Perhaps braided back like this, your grace?

VALENDRA: No, thank you Cindra that will be quite alright.

CINDRA: Of course, my lady. You will be as radiant as ever.

VALENDRA: What is this for again? These functions and events all blur together.

CINDRA: Your appearance at the Seminary Halls, your grace.

VALENDRA: Ah, wonderful. Do you not think that all this effort on my hair and garments might be rather wasted on an audience of small children?

SFX: hair is brushed.

CINDRA: It is important that they be inspired with an example of dignity and grace.

VALENDRA: I am sure it is. Is this my only appointment today? I wish to spend some time alone.

CINDRA: I believe so your grace. The newest group of clerics departed for the Reaches this morning, and you have no further temple services until tomorrow evening.

VALENDRA: Surprised I was not dragged away to oversee the clerics departure once again.

SFX: footsteps. A beep, then liquid comes from a faucet, something is washed.

CINDRA: I believe Factotum Rimad oversaw the ceremony, your grace. The Mirror of Contrition left before dawn with almost six hundred new clerics, one of the largest new groups in memory, I believe. The people of the Reaches will be blessed to have so many of The Faith to guide them.

VALENDRA: Wait, that does not make sense. Lord Arvannis informed me the Mirror of Contrition would not be available for another week.

CINDRA: I know nothing of that, your grace. Perhaps he was mistaken.

VALENDRA: And almost six hundred? I have never even seen an assembly that large. How many were sent exactly?

CINDRA: One moment, my lady, I have it here.

SFX: footsteps, then a book is leafed through.

CINDRA: Five hundred and seventy seven, your grace.

SFX: someone stands quickly. 

VALENDRA: Five hundred and seventy seven? You are certain?

CINDRA: That is what the record says, your grace. Are you well, my lady?

VALENDRA: Cindra. That is the same number. From Sirianadin! Five hundred and seventy seven.

SFX: a page is flipped.

CINDRA: I do not understand, your grace.

VALENDRA: Something is wrong here, very wrong.

CINDRA: My Lady, you are agitated. Please sit and relax. There is no cause to worry yourself, things are the only way they could be.

SFX: the music is sinister. 

VALENDRA: No. No this is wrong. I must find out what-

SFX: footsteps stop. 

ARVANNIS: Your majesty. I commend you on your perceptions. Perhaps Lantris was right about you.

CINDRA: Oh, Lord Arvannis, would you care for food or drink, I-


CINDRA: …At once.

SFX: rapid foosteps and a door is slammed.

VALENDRA: Lord Cardinal, how dare you enter my private chambers withou-

ARVANNIS: Spare me the facade, Empress. And perhaps I shall spare you mine.

VALENDRA: I have seen your secret council. The Wheel, The Harmony, what do they mean? I am owed answers.

SFX: footsteps.

ARVANNIS: Are you indeed? I am an old man. I have watched fool after fool sit on the throne and think themselves a ruler. But you… are a curiosity. Less malleable than your predecessors, less incurious. Perhaps this time I will show you the depth of your delusion. But I warn you. For all your belligerence you are a creature of faith, like all the rest here. Truth denies faith. You may find it better to die with your beliefs, than to live without them.

SFX: fire crackles. 

VALENDRA: No. I will know the truth.

ARVANNIS: Then the choice is made. You will come with me.

SFX: footsteps, a door creaks open. Clothing rustles. A second set of footsteps approaches, then the door closes behind both sets. The music swells, then fades. 

SFX: The Sojourn Ending Theme plays.

NARRATOR: You’ve been listening to The Sojourn; Season One, Episode Nine: Beneath the Banner. Written by Larissa Thompson, Produced by Daniel Orrett, Larissa Thompson and Gabriel Fonseca. Creative Consultation by Larissa Thompson, Scientific Consultation by Gabriel Fonseca, Sound Design and Audio Editing by Kennedy Phillips, Assembly Editing by Aiden Brookstone, Audio Mixing by Dave Chick, with Additional Voices by Larissa Thompson, Kevin Nguyen, Izzy Shackleton and Hussein Mohammed. Music by Sam Redfern, including a rearrangement of ‘Wilderness’ by Taylor Davis, which is used with the given permission of Taylor Davis representatives. This was The Sojourn: Season One – Volume Three. Please visit for more information on the series and upcoming volumes. Thank you for listening.